Mike and Lori look comfortable sitting on their deck in the early morning light, the two toast with coffee mugs

Mike & Lori’s deck update for the future

Knowing their home would stay in the family, Mike and Lori updated their deck from wood to TimberTech.

Home β€Ί TimberTech Stories β€Ί Mike & Lori’s deck update for the future

Mike and Lori don’t just live in a home, they live in a legacy. Built by Lori’s father in 1984, the house was passed down to them and they intend to pass it down to their children as well. Knowing their decks are engineered to last a lifetime makes them feel even better about choosing TimberTech decking. β€œMy dad built this house, and having a good way to update it makes me really proud,” said Lori. β€œHe would be super happy,” added Mike.

Mike and Lori lean gently towards each other and smile at the camera

Meet Mike & Lori

Hooksett, NH

When it comes to updating their family home, they don’t do anything by half measures. They’ve added or updated not one but four decks with TimberTech β€” plus, they have plans for a fifth and an expansion of their main deck.

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